
21 Best Sounding True Wireless Earbuds (2020)

Apple Airpods Pro


First, a proper seal is critical for these earbuds. Make sure you pick out the right tips. Like Bose and Beats, Apple gets a lot of crap about the sound quality of their products. I want to give them a fair shake since the Airpods Pro has received so much attention.

Android: How to get Apple Airpod Pro’s three modes (ANC, Ambient, Off)

On Android, Instead of three modes (off, ANC, ambient), it seems to only come with the latter two modes (activated by holding the handle of the Airpods). ANC mode sounds warmer with less shine than ambient – but I enjoyed it more so I stayed in that mode for the review. I was curious as to how “off” sounded so I tried listening through an old iPad mini instead. Unfortunately, even on the iPad Mini, only the two modes exist.

Turns out you could enable the three modes if you have access to Apple devices that display the three options. I had a 2013 Macbook Pro laying around and was able to check all three boxes under the Airpod’s Bluetooth “Options.” Once checked and disconnected, I was able to reconnect to the Pixel 3 with all three modes. Admittedly, not a graceful solution since you’re forced to borrow an Apple device from your hipster homie first.

Mode sounds

This is with all equalization off.

  • Off (low beep): The most tonally accurate mode. It has warmth and better depth. Interestingly, the bass isn’t very punchy but detailed. Bass takes a bit of a backseat, which is unfortunate as this is the most natural-sounding mode.
  • Ambient (double beep): There’s something “uncomfortable” about the sound quality in this mode. It sounds a little strained and grainy. Compared to the ANC mode, the sound is stretched very thin. The sound is wiry and terrible but for whatever reason, the bass is the punchiest in this mode.
  • ANC (high beep): This mode is a slightly denser and more grounded version of the Ambient mode. In this mode, there’s more air and clarity, but the tonality is cold. Bass isn’t as punchy as Ambient mode but still OK.

The “Bass Boost” option on the Spotify app on Android is problematic. It removes too much clarity and air when increased but it also reduces volume – and thus dynamic range. Unfortunately, a manual boost at 60 Hz on the Spotify Android app and the bass has a sufficient amount of weight – but the sound gets a little cloudy and volume drops even more. This is a limitation of Android devices as it doesn’t really boost the signal but instead attenuates the other bands. Bummer.

So currently, it seems in order to maximize the sound quality of the Apple Airpods Pro, you need an Apple device. I’m sure there are Android apps that would alleviate the problem…but at this point, I’m losing my patience. I formed a lopsided U-shaped curve and it’s sounding much better. It went from one of the worse sounding earbuds I’ve ever heard to something actually listenable. It’s too bad I can’t save this damn preset! Oh well. With noise mode off and the equalizer in place, it’s time to do some listening. Finally!


Having seen many hipsters with these glued to their ears – I was curious to hear what they were hearing. Some have even mentioned they were better than the previous version (which I hadn’t heard).

This U-shape EQ does wonders for sub-bass response. So these Airpods Pro can get punchy. However, after endless amounts of comparisons, it became clear that even with this EQ, the Airpods Pro weren’t meant for sound quality. It’s very detailed, energetic, and had more textures than I’d expect, but soulless otherwise. On the flip side, I think these Airpods Pro are using larger drivers than some of the other TWS earphones – so sounds bigger, which isn’t a bad thing.

These were the themes:

  • Neutral and colorless. It doesn’t sound like there’s blood flowing in the music. Everything has this greyish color. Like watching a black & white movie.
  • Timbre is way off. Piano, voice, guitar – nothing sounds true. Although the highs are OK.
  • Attacks fall flat.
  • Smooth
  • It doesn’t focus or delineate well.
  • Not a ton of air.
  • More piecewise than coherent.
  • Imaging is confused – instruments and sounds are just “slapped” onto the 2D soundstage.
  • Ultra-thin paper flat. There’s no shape to the music.
  • Occasional harshness in the upper-mids.

Although one of the worse true wireless earphones on this list, I could see casual listeners being totally OK with the sound. It doesn’t have many “musical” qualities but is still a big resolving and exciting one. At the end of the day, it’s just anemic and uncolored. There’s no dimension, tangibility, or tactility whatsoever. Not to mention, every song sounds like they’re recorded in Antarctica (sounds cold). These were obviously made for something other than listening to music – and that’s fine. I actually like the look and feel of these earphones.


  • HiFiMAN TWS600: The HiFiMAN sounds much more organic, dimensional, and natural in comparison. The Apple still has more air, treble shine, and bass, however. It also sounds much bigger than the HiFiMAN.
  • Sennheiser Momentum True Wireless: The Apple has more detail and definitely a much more present treble, but sounds too one-dimensional to be engaging. The Sennheiser has far more bass, smoothness, and dimension.
  • Soundcore Liberty 2 Pro: The Apple sounds much, much flatter. Delicacy, delineation, and nuance is definitely not its strong point. The differences are so vast it almost feels silly to articulate them. The Soundcore has better clarity, timbre, bass, depth, and everything else. One thing that the Apple does better is smoothness. The Soundcore has some grain in the mids.
  • Samsung Galaxy Buds: This comparison makes the Apple sound tonally grayscale. There’s one color for the drums, voices, and string bass. The Buds is fuller, warmer, and molds out the music much better. There’s just more emotion and atmosphere. The Apple has a larger image (taller & wider) while the Samsung sits further back. Articulation does seem snappier on the Apple – while there is more bleed with the Samsung. Overall, the Samsung sounds much more natural but has more sibilance. Update (3/12/2020): With the updated EQ (pic above), the Airpods Pro is actually warmer sounding – but falls apart when the music gets busy.

Side Notes

  • Not very Pixel 3 friendly? Connection problems and had to reboot the actual phone to get it to connect.
  • Apple has the most portable charging case out of all the true wireless earphones.
  • Randomly, the buds will get out of sync and will stagger the music. Just have to pause and play again.
  • It can’t access all three modes without an Apple device.

Who should buy these?

If you have an Apple product. At the moment, Android devices “dumb down” the sound with the equalizer enabled. Most of the money probably went into the microphones and cool click control.

If you don’t use earbuds for music listening, these are perfect. They’re somewhat detailed but sound mostly soulless and marshmallowy. So, if you bought them for sound quality, you are getting ripped off. But if you’re buying it for ANC (which performs very well), utility, and portability – then, by all means, make it rain.

But hey, if you’re going to get these buds anyway, throw this dog a bone.

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Jay Luong

Mr. Audio Bacon himself. An open-minded electrical engineer and software developer by trade. I have an obsession with the enjoyment of all things media - specifically in the realm of music and film. So much heart and soul (and money) go into the creation of this artistry. My aim is to find out which products get me closer to what the musicians and directors intended.

View Comments

  • Very nice article and I tend to agree with most if not all your assessments. I own most of these headphones and am a headphone addict. Clearly sound and headphones reviews are very subjective. I appreciate all your efforts here! Well done!

  • I think this is probably the best audio review comparison for a buyer that I've ever read. No. Not probably. Actually it is the best. That's because you've written the good AND the bad about every product. Never said one item is better absolutely. Explained what you liked and why, which is VERY important as I might like something that you don't. Though most importantly, you compared the items at the end with both the good and bad points in a comparative way. This grouping of descriptions and comparisons actually makes your ranking list not very useful and confusing, BUT! makes the whole review useful and informative and can help a person decide which product THEY would like. I still like my old Wf-1000x buds but was looking for something, probably by now, better. By reading your reviews I might actually rank the new Sony buds as number one (though I'd have to hear them of course). The beauty of your reviews is that I can actually get some idea of what I WOULD actually like and what to try first. Awesome writing and well thought out.

    • Thank you, Mark. It's interesting because some days, I don't mind having something further down the ranking list for the "unique" qualities it presents. It's sometimes about the mood or about the appreciation of a certain type of sound. Although I prefer a more natural sound, I sometimes still enjoy the "fantasy" that some of these headphones provide. It amazes me how much information is capture by the microphone - which I don't think even the performers or engineers knew about. I did perform this experiment for my own record keeping. Figured it'll give me a good reference point for things I hear in the future. Everyone enjoys music differently and I'm glad I was able to help.

  • Great review. I have settled on 3 sets of earbuds for my everyday use.

    1. Soundcore Liberty 2 Pro - For home use. I agree wholeheartedly about your remarks regarding these earbuds, and now Soundcore has added a 7 band EQ allowing you to custom eq them, so that's fantastic. Their relatively weak IPX rating and substandard call performance keeps them from being my "go to" phones, but when I am at home, these are the ones I pick up.

    2. Sony WF-1000XM3 - Although not as good sounding as the L2P, The sublime ANC of these buds makes these my default travel gear, edging out my Bose QC35ii over the ear cans. The sound isolation on these is actually better than my Bose. And the portability of them is self evident. No IPX rating makes them strictly for plane trips and similar use cases. Definitely a niche product, but once you travel with ANC, there's no going back.

    3. Soundcre Liberty Air 2 - These are my default "out and about" phones. The slight trade off in sound quality is more than offset by the smaller case, stronger water resistance and call quality. The soundcore app allows you to EQ them quite a bit, so I can get good sound even in environments that are not conducive to it.

    • I've bought a pair before. I don't think it's worth comparing to the ones up here. Not super great in my opinion

  • I have been looking for exactly such an analysis. I have been looking for a TWS for exactly the same purpose as yours except that call quality is a semi-important factor. I mostly use iFi xDSD for Bluetooth receiver with JVC FD0X or Sony MD855. Anyway, it would be interesting if you could rate Galaxy bud live that has an open design with a bass duct and 12mm driver. My interest in it for its call quality and I heard it is better than galaxy bud+. Thank you.

  • Thank you so much for your review man!!!! I tried many earbuds and the M&D MW07 GO is a clear win on sound quality in my opinion! So detailed, precise, layered, immersive and just beautiful sound in all genres. I can hear many new sounds in the same old songs and music that I listen over and over again. I have been a Bose fan for so long but M&D will be my new faith on sound quality. Thank you for such a professional and honest review!!! Appreciate it!!!

  • This is has become my go to reference source - the care and attention to detail that went into this is amazing; so, Thank You! I have always struggled with pure ranking lists and have been skeptical of kickback bias. I have been on a quest to find the highest call/mic quality without sacrificing my music preferences. This has served as a good cross-reference. I was generally happy with the Momentum TW's call-wise; however, was never a big fan of how music sounded through them (although I really wanted them to be good). That combined with the flaws ("volume min / volume min / volume min") drove me away. I am on the phone all day for work and like to listen to music in between. I'm currently using Jabra 75t's and they seem pretty good for both purposes - the extra bass doesn't bother me too much but heavier music tends to sound a little muddled to my liking.

    Has anyone else had good experiences with TWS with the right call quality / musicality balance? Always open to opinions and suggestions.


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