Von Schweikert knows how to setup a listening room. They placed subs in the rear to balance out the lower frequency energy in the room. Amazing sound as always.
“Where’s the sub?” I really enjoyed these Raidho D-1.1, 2-way loudspeakers. I was afraid to ask the price: $25,000. It features the Raidho Diamond Driver and the Raidho Ribbon Tweeter. Super groovy, rich, seismic, taut, and solid midrange. One of the more memorable setups at the show.
Sanders Sound Systems Model 10 electrostatic speaker ($17,000). Don’t stray too far from the center line and you’ll be blessed with one of the insightful and compelling sounds. There’s an aural nuance to the presentation of these speakers.
Aavik Acoustics U-150 is an all-in-one integrated 2 x 300 watts amplifier. Photo doesn’t do it justice, beautiful amp.
Thank you for the Kind words about our room being the biggest surprise! Quicksilver amps as an important part of the system! The Spendor speakers are A4 not D4 – they are a fun captivating speaker. Sorry we did not have any components with zirconium !
I’ve corrected the typo. Thank you for setting up such an enjoyable listening experience. 🙂
Beautiful photo’s, thanks!
Amazing show report – so many pictures!
Agreed, Stereophile writers are so full of themselves with their blathering prejudicial adjectives, which room, music or presenter didn’t strike their fancy, not giving systems a chance to redeem themselves, lousy photography, plus the endless model numbers and price listing’s make for a difficult translation of experience.
Your approach is uplifting and positive for it’s been said “a picture tells a thousand words”.
I appreciate that David. I think these show reports are complementary across all the other publications. We’re just trying to paint an insightful picture for our readers. Luckily I don’t have “assignments” and post whatever I think will bring more value to my readers. I personally feel it’s difficult to isolate which component you’re hearing in the room. I could make a speaker sound warmer or brighter with a swap of a power cable. That’s why the Synergistic Research and Nordost demos were so enlightening, adding/removing one component at a time. This also applies to headphones. However, when a system sounds great notwithstanding these show conditions, that’s when I zoom in. 🙂
Great photos! I appreciate all the details as well. I hope you don’t mind if I repost a few with credit.
Be my guest, Will! Really enjoyed the ZOTL10 Mk.II at this show and your headphone amp with the ZMF headphones and HD650s at a previous show. I believe it was a San Diego cable booth.
I was at the show and thought the best speakers were the Lumen White, Monitor Audio, Tekton DIs, Revels, and the B&O powered speakers. The Micromega all in one system was very impressive. Thanks for the nice show report.
Thanks, Rob. I spent a bit of time in the Micromega room as well. Impressive sound for such a minimalistic setup. He also demoed the effects of the IsoAcoustic Gaia(?). The Lumen White had a realism I didn’t hear in most rooms.
Just to say sincere thanks for all your efforts – the best coverage of RMAF so far.
I do some reviewing myself (for 6moons) and I would love to have been there myself, but the 4.5k miles that lie between Glasgow and Denver proved a flight too far, at least this time around.
Interesting too to see Gryphon touching down in the States. I worked at their sole UK dealership for six years so I know the brand inside out. Also, it’s always nice to read about Tannoy sounding good in far flung places, because the factory is just a ten minute stroll from my front door.
Finally & coincidentally – we share a favourite in Springbank 21; seriously it’s been my #1 dram for many years. Although I more often ‘make do’ with the 15yr old if funds are tight, which is to say usually!
All the very best.
Hey Bill, you know what they say, great whiskey palates have great ears. 😉 I was impressed with rich textures of the Gryphons at the show. Tannoys have a similar sweet and meaty tone. Never been to Glasgow but you’re very close to ALL the whiskey action. I’ll plan a trip to Scotland one of these days. Let me know which show you’ll be attending next and we’ll hang.
Any trip to Scotland and I’ll happily be your whisky guide, absolutely. And if I do make it to the States I will definitely give you a shout. Keep up the good work. All the very best.
Your observations and kind words for the Merging Technologies room reflect some of the same comments we received from many music lovers as they visited our room. Thanks for taking the time
On behalf on VANA, the North American Distributor for Audio Physic, thank you for visiting our room and pointing out the beautiful Avantera III Loudspeakers:)
Nancy Weiner
Managing Director
and the CODEX!