
The World’s Best Audiophile Linear Power Supplies

JCAT Optimo 3 Duo

Price: $1,770 (Dual rail, single voltage each)

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Build & Specification

  • Culmination of years of research and fine-tuning, OPTIMO 3 DUO, equipped with JCAT proprietary technologies, delivers astonishing sonic performance
  • Each unit is custom made for specific voltages to ensure absolute best sound quality
  • Features two independent galvanically isolated DC outputs. Each of the two JCAT proprietary Linear Voltage Regulator boards is capable of delivering up to 3A to load and powering two separate hi-fi devices without any loss in audio quality
  • Truly 100% linear design utilizing state-of-the-art linear voltage regulators guarantee extreme sonic and measured performance. The noise at OPTIMO 3 DUO’s output is below measuring range (< 2uV)
  • Bespoke massive low-induction 100VA power transformer with magnetic and electrical shielding, sealed with epoxy resin, was selected for absolute best sound and noiseless operation
  • JCAT proprietary ultra fast low noise rectifier
  • OPTIMO 3 DUO utilizes only supreme quality components, carefully selected for best sonic properties during long listening sessions
  • Chassis made of thick sheet of stainless steel ensures high rigidity and low mechanical resonance while anodized aluminum front adds elegance
  • Comes with two extremely high quality 1.2m PC-OCC 0.7mm² double shielded DC cables for lossless transmition of power
  • DC connectors can be customized to match customer’s device at no additional cost
  • OPTIMO 3 DUO features multiple protection mechanisms to guarantee safe and trouble-free operation for many years
  • Weight: 13.2 lbs
  • Dimensions: 31 x 19.5 9.5 cm


The JCAT Optimo 3 Duo took quite some hours to break in. Initially, it was a little cold and after keeping it on for one to two weeks, it took on a completely different sound: dark.

The Optimo isn’t tonally variant. It’s a “one color” sound but it’s a nice dark one. I prefer this over neutral or cool. But understand neither sound natural or close to the more golden and soulful “brown.” But if I had to choose, I would go for the darker fantasy. In my opinion, this is still more musical than something light gray and neutral.

The Sound

This is one of the darkest sounding power supplies in this lineup. Think moody, rich, creamy, dark chocolate. But what makes it interesting is that it’s also very quiet with good focus. The Optimo 3 Duo has a wonderful balance of musicality, dynamics, and sparkle. Not to mention an ample amount of room-shaking bass and a large and deep soundstage.

As far as imaging, it delineates very well but the outlines aren’t hyper-tight. Instead, there’s a silky bloom to edges and transients. It’s more elegant and “sticky” than it is razor-sharp and crisp. The jumbo’ed sound isn’t the most natural but it’s dynamically rigid. And with an optimistic spotlight, it actually makes lyrics more intelligible and easier to isolate the performers. Especially when recordings have many complex tracks. The sound is forward, meaty, and still very “musical” to my ears.

Percussions in particular have a lot of extrusion and force. And as a result more material presence and a pronounced gravity. Plenty of heavyweight drumming, all the clangy and bangy goodness of cymbals, and rumble from the bottom octaves. As far as bass, the Optimo 3 Duo has plenty of horsepower here.

Overall the Optimo 3 Duo power supply has fantastic midrange and low-end poise – with a splash of shine. It’s tilted towards a darker and more tangible sound. Which offers a grounded and more palpable listening experience. Overall a very effortless power supply. In a way, it’s a “safe sound” because it sugarcoats many of the bad digital harshnesses. You miss some of the HiFi bits – but it’s a romantically alluring and harmonically rich sound. This power supply’s tonal color is inked deeply and sounds heavier on its feet. You get the point.


The biggest drawback of the Optimo is that it’s not particularly resolving or airy. But those elements aren’t completely absent. Just not prioritized. The fibers and strings are more coalesced. Which makes for a more wholesome sound that should work well with rock, hip hop, and soul (what I typically listen to).

The broad strokes of darkness do get old at times. Every song encompasses that deep tonal color and there isn’t a lot of variation. So at times, I’ll miss some of those musical fibers.



  • Solid delineation, especially in the lower registers.

  • Broad and deep soundstage

  • Bass performance in the Top 3

  • Delicious balance of body and shine

  • Tangible weight throughout

  • Rigid and full dynamics

  • Surprisingly quiet

  • Not very tonally variant. There's a dark gray coating that covers every recording.

  • Not an enormous amount of of texture, detail, or air.


vs. JCAT Initio 3 Duo

  • Optimo has more resolution
  • Optimo has more texture
  • Optimo has better bass quality. But both are quite punchy.

vs. Paul Hynes SR7

  • Optimo has more molding
  • The SR7 is “technically” superior to the Optimo 3 Duo. It just does more HiFi things.
  • Optimo 3 Duo has better tonality.

vs. Mojo Audio Illuminati v3

  • Optimo has slightly less punchy bass, but it’s tighter.
  • Optimo is far darker
  • Illuminati v3 has a more “live” sound while the Optimo is more grounded and solid.

vs. Sean Jacobs DC4

  • DC4 has better realistic molding. The Optimo isnt’ nearly as congealed or molded.
  • The DC4 spreads the performers out at a more natural distance while the Optimo 3 is a bit more intimate.
  • Optimo 3 has a smaller soundstage. DC4 also has much more depth.
  • The DC4 has this “believability” because of its ability to shape out the music with precision.
  • Optimo 3 Duo has more pop, shine, and atmosphere. DC4 sounds a bit dull in comparison.
  • Optimo 3 Duo has more weighty bass and overall more grunt on the low-end.
  • DC4 delineates and layers much better. The Optimo 3 Duo is a little softer.
  • Optimo’s tonality is truer and more natural
  • Optimo is able to unravel certain textural cues better. It’s a little smoothed over on the DC4.
  • The DC4 is far superior with the technical abilities.

vs. Paul Hynes SR7

  • SR7 has better realistic molding
  • Optimo 3 has a much warmer and more natural tone
  • Optimo 3 Duo has more texture and vividness.
  • SR7 has more “music going on.” More nuance and tonal shifts.

vs. HDPLEX 300W

  • The Optimo 3 Duo sounds kind of like a darker HDPLEX 300W.
  • Optimo has a slightly fuller and more solid sound.
  • Optimo layers out the music better

vs. Fidelizer Nikola2

  • The Optimo 3 Duo is much more assertive and does so with more weight and confidence. You could feel the music more with the Optimo.
  • Optimo has much better sub-bass response.
  • Fidelizer’s tone is truer to real life
  • Nikola2 has more high spirited playing and radiance

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Jay Luong

Mr. Audio Bacon himself. An open-minded electrical engineer and software developer by trade. I have an obsession with the enjoyment of all things media - specifically in the realm of music and film. So much heart and soul (and money) go into the creation of this artistry. My aim is to find out which products get me closer to what the musicians and directors intended.

View Comments

  • Well Jay, you have only just gone and done it again. Another mammoth review. Don’t you ever sleep!?

    As a Dave owner I was lucky to obtain the first production version of Sean Jacobs DC4 and have been using that ever since with a big grin on my face every time I use the Dave. It has possibly been the biggest improvement to the sound of my system (with the possible and honourable exception of my own Wave High Fidelity STORM dual BNC cables of course!).

    However all of that is about to change because Sean has been kind enough to loan me a prototype of his new ARC6 version of the DC4 power supply. Having had the Dave all this time I was not aware of any deficiencies. That was until I plugged in the ARC6. As you say in your review the DC4 is a master at revealing the texture of instruments but now the ARC6 version has a transient speed to go with that textural information. It is a quite uncanny combination. The bass is also deeper and more powerful and yet manages to more detail and information in it at the same time.

    You will gather that I like the ARC6 upgrade to the DC4 for the Dave. It is a huge upgrade to the Dc4. I understand that existing owners of the DC4 can have theirs upgraded to the ARC6 version by returning to Sean or to one of his agents in the USA or EU.

    But that is not really why I was minded to put pen to paper in response to your review. A few months ago I did my own private shoot out of power supplies powering the Qutest. These included the Sbooster with Ultra Mk2 upgrade, Farad Super3, Allo Shanti, MCRU, Sean Jacobs DC3, PowerAdd battery, iFi, a cheap LPS from China and of course, because I could, the 5V rail from a DC4. Broadly I agree with all your comments and in the end I used the Farad Super3, not because it was the best but because it was a reasonable amount of money to spend for the performance gain with a Qutest. One thing to say about the value for money Allo Shanti is that if one has the necessary skills it takes a leap forward in sound quality if the supplied captive leads are removed from the circuit board and GX16 sockets are installed allowing after market DC leads.

    I have more recently listened again to a DC4 powering the Qutest and although first time around I rejected the idea of a single rail £4,000 DC4 powering a £1.200 Qutest as being any where near a sensible decision I have now begun to wonder whether in fact it brings the £5,200 combination up to a level of similarly priced DACs and I think it might just do that. Such is the benefit of the DC4 with a Qutest.

    So, thanks once again for the huge undertaking and it is nice of course to see you still using my WAVE STREAM cables with your Dave. 👍


    • I would be curious to hear the ARC6! Is there a tonal color difference between DC4 and ARC6? More shine?

      I agree, the Farad Super3 is a great value, especially if you enjoy that more liquid and smooth sound. From memory, I thought the Mojo Illuminati V3 paired well with the Qutest. And I could definitely hear the potential of the Shanti, the price is incredible for its performance (but critical listeners won't be happy). GX16 sockets with custom cabling would be interesting.

      Have you tried batteries?

  • I run my RME ADI-2 fs DAC and streamer on pure LiFePo4 cells (without any battery management electronics of course). The DAC uses 4*3.2V 20AH cells in series, and the streamer 2 of the same in series. The batteries last more than a day so I charge at night when sleeping.

    It would be interesting to know how batteries like these compares to the better power supplies.

    • Yeah, I was thinking about including batteries as well. Which specific ones would you like to see?

      • I think the more "pure" cells you use the better, and not small AA or similar batteries. Here is the ones I use:

        Of if you want one ready made for RME DAC, this one works (its just 4 cells in series), should be similar available in NA if that's where you live:

        But basically you want low internal resistance in combination with pure cells. For example, a power pack used for mobile phones sounds a lot worse (they have switched DC regulators inside to get to 5V).

        It also important to stay away from "battery management", even if you risk damaging the cells if overcharged or undercharged. Those battery managements are filled with switched cheap electronic.

        I then have 18 awg OCC coppar cables with cotton sleeves as only insulation, soldered to a DC connector of copper.

          • Yes, it is. I like the sound of my LiFePO4 batteries though, and LPS manufacturers often use batteries like those as "reference" to compare with (or so I have heard).

            It's also worth mentioning that Stromtank (a really expensive HiFi power gear) uses LiFePo4 cells for their "magic", but enough of them to also drive power amplifiers.

    • Not even a Contact Us email address. Doesn't infuse confidence unless you're inside Australi and can call them.

  • great work - thanks a million!!

    comment to the Sbooster PSU: i kind of relate to your findings (using mk 1 version), adding (now unavailable) Padis fuse and Furutech Absolute Power adds LIVE to it. yet, possibly also to all other PSUs tested here

  • Hi there,
    I know you cannot review everything under the sun, but I’ll selfishly propose you review the ISOL-8 Prometheus LPSU. Their power conditioners are great and I would be curious to see how their power supply compares with the others.

    Amazing amazing review; very well done! Thank you!

  • My Farad Super 3 is custom modified, but I think it performs very well. Along w/ Jay I am factoring in price and its incredibly diminutive size.

    I am also curious about the remarks in comparison to other PSUs, which cable was used: silver or copper?

    • Listening was primarily done with the copper cable. Still great for the price, especially if you enjoy a full bodied and smooth sound.

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